World: June, International Shiatsu Month

4 Mai, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes

For some time now, June has been International Shiatsu Month, with a host of events.

First of all, the Shiatsu Without Borders branch of the ESF is organising Shiatsu Without Borders Month in June 2024, with two events not to be missed:

For its part, the International Shiatsu Day (ISD) association is proposing a unique day to celebrate Shiatsu.

  • On 9 June 2024, all day long, you can organise events in your own home, practice or school. For more information and to register your event, visit the page here.

n France, all the professional Shiatsu associations (FFST, UFPST, FFSM, SPS, SNSP) are joining forces to create and run a full week of International Shiatsu Days, with ESF, Resalib and Ryoho Shiatsu as official partners.

From 1 to 8 June, International Shiatsu Days. Join the movement on the private Facebook group. A website is under construction for this event, with a temporary address here.


You may also be organising events in your country for International Shiatsu Month in June. Let us know and we’ll add you to this post.

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