Italy: Shiatsu organisations unite to speak with one voice

23 Juin, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes

APOS, COS and FISIEO, the three most important associations in the field, have decided to give a single voice to the world of Shiatsu in Italy.
One of the aims of this historic initiative is to protect the 6 million Italians who consult Shiatsu practitioners every year from abuse and misinformation.

One of the aims of this historic initiative is to protect the 6 million Italians who consult Shiatsu practitioners every year from abuse and misinformation. The « Professione Shiatsu » brings together almost all Italian practitioners, some 10,000 professionals, but despite this large number and over thirty years’ experience, Shiatsu as a profession is still little known.
In a joint statement, the presidents Alberto Scattarelli (APOS) Franco Castellaccio (COS) and Andrea Mascaro (FISIEO) declared that :

« The Shiatsu teacher and practitioner profiles include training criteria specific to this autonomous profession, which is defined by regulatory processes in several European countries ».
« Professione Shiatsu aims to promote this professional profile at all institutional levels, not only to present the distinctive aspects of our profession, but also to highlight, together with the health professionals involved, the many fruitful collaborations between doctors and Shiatsu practitioners in Italy. »

The three associations are recognised under Law 4/2013 and registered with the Ministry for Enterprise and Made in Italy (formerly the Ministry for Economic Development). They are also registered under Law 13/2013 with the Ministry of Justice and provide quality certification for their members, guaranteeing customers the high professional standards of the practitioners with whom they engage.

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