Life-long learning (Europe and beyond)
Shiatsu Basics

The Ampuku technique in Shiatsu

In Shiatsu the belly massage is called Ampuku. It includes a number of pressure techniques that respect the Masunaga reflex zones, but is not limited to them. The work is also done on organs through direct manipulations that seek to relieve tensions or blockages.

Complete shoulder treatment

The shoulder is a complex articulation, with many movements and possibilities. Often blocked or diminished, this treatment aims to restore all shoulder movements. In this workshop you will learn how to apply effective Shiatsu in all postures (prone, supine, sided and seated).

Complete neck treatment

The neck and the back of the neck retain tensions and imbalances. This link between the head and the bust is rich in muscles and nerves that must not be thwarted. Learn how to release tension through Shiatsu movements and the Windows of Heaven point.

Kenbiki of tsubos and meridians

Kenbiki consists of the application of a continuous rhythmic movement of swaying in the pressure. This particular way of approaching the points and the meridians makes it possible to obtain a great relaxation of the whole nervous system. Learning kenbiki is done via a kata that covers the whole body.

Back and spine treatment

The back is quite often the location of the many pains of modern man. Why so? What risks? How to treat the spine? How to relax the back muscles? How to restore good alignment and tonicity of the back? These are all questions addressed in this very comprehensive workshop.

Stress management and treatment

Stress is not a disease, but it contributes to making all symptoms worse. This is why it’s crucial to know how it works, its tensions and the organs that are affected by stress. Shiatsu can release a person’s stress very quickly, using appropriate support and relaxation techniques.

Rhythms and depths in Shiatsu

Too often Shiatsu styles use one or two work rhythms. Ryoho Shiatsu studies and explores all rhythms and depths of pressure. In this workshop you will discover their effects, their advantages and their disadvantages, according to the type of body approach that you want to put in place.

Complete facial treatment

The face is the anatomical part that has the most muscles and a large number of tsubos. Knowing how to treat the face often gives access to a great relaxation on the part of the client, but also allows to relax tensions that go far beyond the face. A real kata of the face is taught here.

What is Qi? 10 rules to use it!

All students one day ask me this question: what is Qi (or Ki in Japanese) and how to use it? Once we know the rules of operation of energy, it becomes very easy to use in Shiatsu and in everyday life. In this workshop you will learn how to put energy circulation into practice, to give it forms and intentions.

Learning to use Gate Points

Although little known, the Gate points are sufficiently numerous in the meridians that their presence means something. Entry and exit points of the Qi, the Gate points are very useful in the case of psychological disorders and to open a deep access to the psyche and the energy.

Observation & postural treatment

“Between the door and the futon, you must know half of what is useful to you”. To succeed, one must develop an acute observation of the posture and know how to rectify it. Using simple exercises, learn to make reliable observations and postural treatments that are effective, so you do not waste time in your Shiatsu.

Full kata for seated Shiatsu

Traditional sitting Shiatsu, without ergonomic chair, is less and less taught and it’s a shame. In seiza or on a simple kitchen chair, here is a complete kata treatment for seated Shiatsu. Shoulders, neck, head, back and even arms and hands, you can provide a Shiatsu easily in any place of the world, with no particular equipment.

Shiatsu for Pros

Headaches, migraines

Headaches and migraines are one of the most common disorders shared by the entire world population. This problem may be of mechanical or energetic origin, depending on the case. A study of the headache map helps to know what to do to relieve them effectively.

Restless legs and Shiatsu

The restless legs syndrome leaves more than one person sleepless. What is going on when legs keep moving? How to help those people? This is what this workshop will teach you.

Fibromyalgia and Shiatsu

Fibromyalgia has long been considered a complete invention of people who suffer from it. Officially recognized today, this disease of society is characterized by diffuse and numerous pains. How to spot it? What can Shiatsu do to help those who are suffering? A workshop not to be missed.

Rhinitis, sinusitis

Inflammation and sinus congestion is a classic problem in fall or winter. Even if it’s not very serious, rhinitis or sinusitis can be really painful to live. How to relieve the afflicted? What can Shiatsu do in these cases? This is all the interest of this workshop.

Menstrual disorders

From pre-menstrual syndrome to menstrual pain through amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea, women experience a lot of trouble during their cycle. Shiatsu is a soft and interesting solution to improve their condition.

Sleeping troubles

With headache, insomnia is the other great classic issue of many people today. Trouble in falling asleep, awakenings at night, waking up too early, restless dreams, so many subjects that spoil the sleep of more than you can imagine. With Shiatsu, here are some answers for insomniacs.

Pregnancy monitoring

Pregnant women are the happiness of Shiatsu practitioners. Happy, they have no worries … except if sciatica invites itself to the party, or nausea, shoulder tension, mood changes and strange food cravings. The Shiatsu practitioner finally has a lot to do with them.

Chronic fatigue

Always tired ? If at sunrise, at noon and in the evening a person is constantly apathetic, feeling heavy, exhausted, it’s not “normal”. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) affects women 2 to 4 times more than men. In any case, life becomes impossible. It’s imperative to learn to improve the living conditions and weaken the symptoms of this very penalizing disorder.

Shiatsu for asthma relief

Whether for children or adults, asthma is a respiratory and inflammatory disorder that is gaining more ground in our polluted societies. Whether in a crisis phase or as a background treatment, Shiatsu brings significant improvements to the condition of asthmatics.

Fertility disorders

Fewer and fewer women are fertile. In question – among others – pollution, stress, food additives and psychological tension. Lived as a tragedy, infertility is a priority issue for these women, whom Shiatsu can help.

Burnout syndrome

Burnout (or Occupational Exhaustion Syndrome) spreads among workers like a societal fire. What are the stages of burnout? How to treat it? In which order to proceed among the vast choice of meridians available to the practitioner? This is what we teach in this workshop.

Male impotence

If there’s a taboo subject with men, it’s sexual impotence. Yet this problem affects a growing male population. This workshop can approach this disorder that can spoil the life of a whole couple.

Depression syndrom

Depression syndrom affects or will affect one in five people in their lifetime. But if instead of suffering it could be prevented and relieved during crisis phases? Shiatsu proves to be a very effective tool to prevent or accompany people suffering from depression.

Mourning & separation

In mourning as in a love separation, we must be able to manage the psychic and emotional pain and absence. If time heals all injuries, Shiatsu can greatly help to live better through this difficult time of life.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) courses

General mechanics of the Qi-energy

The concept of Qi is often addressed in a comprehensive way, from the perspective of Zheng Qi. But the general mechanics, richer, makes it possible to distinguish the different forms of energies that form and circulate within the body. Moreover it allows to understand the relation between the meridians, the Extraordinary Vessels and the “Fountain” points.

Pathogenic factors in TCM

How is the disease seen in Chinese medicine? Having nothing in common with our Western medicine, it classifies the causes of the disease in two families: internal pathogenic and climatic factors. What are they? And how does it work?

The 8 principles of treatment

How to choose a treatment according to the observations made during the energy balance? To determine this, Chinese medicine recommends following the “eight principles”. These categories allow to see more clearly and take a step towards the realization of an adequate and effective Shiatsu.

The art of points association

Given the large number of points and families of points that exist, how to choose those that will allow effective treatment in Shiatsu. What logic to adopt? How to choose ? This is the art of points association in Chinese medecine.

Hara massages trainings

Chineitsang - Thai oil belly massage

This is the Sino-Thai version of Chineitsang (QiNeiZang), which is by far the most popular. Made with oil, it offers a greater comfort of use (for the practitioner as for the receiver) while preserving the great efficiency which characterizes this massage. In addition, the techniques are not the same as in the Taoist version because it is influenced by Buddhism.

Chineitsang - Taoist belly massage

Taoist Chinaitsang is the original Chinese version of belly massage. Realized on the very skin, this massage has many techniques whose purpose is to relieve and detoxify the organs, while opening the breathing so that the Qi circulates better.

The Ampuku technique in Shiatsu

In Shiatsu the belly massage is called Ampuku. It includes a number of pressure techniques that respect the Masunaga reflex zones, but is not limited to them. The work is also done on organs through direct manipulations that seek to relieve tensions or blockages.