Still quite unknown in Europe, Yin Shiatsu starts to make a name for itself. But at the origin of this name there is a man and not the least: Nobuyuki Takeuchi sensei. One can easily think of him as a modern-day samurai, uncompromising on behaviour, commitment and...

Book: La figura de mio padre – Tokujiro Namikoshi
What do we really know about the life of Tokujiro Namikoshi? Not much, really. There is no official biography and that's a pity. Everything that is said about him is mainly by word of mouth, but with all the possible and imaginable distortions. However, there is a way...
The Hua Tuo Jia Ji points
Do you know the Hua Tuo Jia Ji points? For a long time, the teachers I met were confusing these points with the first line of the Urinary Bladder. This confusion is often due to a poor knowledge of oriental medicine (Chinese or Japanese), but once this is known,...
The “cleft” points
During the study of Shiatsu, the Xi points (or Geki in Japanese) are among the great classics to be learned by heart. However, the deep meaning of these points often escapes the neophytes. The fault lies in the various translations that are given to this particularly...
Reflexions about Tenpeki Tamai’ Shiatsu
Simplistically, we can divide the history of Shiatsu in a few chapters and name them in correlation with major historical events. Although we may find the ancient traces of Shiatsu in the incipient forms of Japanese bodywork, the first chapter in the history of...
Survey Results: Shiatsu and Cancer
Last year I launched a survey with the help of Fernando Cabo, on the perception of Shiatsu practitioners and schools of Shiatsu on a number of topics. We conducted the survey in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Even if the number of answers is not as...
Hard work, soft work and much more in Shiatsu
When Do prevails over Jutsu I have been practicing martial arts for 33 years now and 20 years just for Shiatsu. For years I have been obsessed with studying and learning, which is still the case, but to a lesser extent. I have sought and am still seeking approaches...
Interview Elisa Carpiaux: Shiatsu as a fruit tree
Elisa Carpiaux is a passionate and exciting Shiatsu teacher in the French-speaking part of Belgium. When I met her for the first time 10 years ago it was in a small Mexican restaurant, to introduce myself and tell her about my plans to open my first school. She was...
Shiatsu is based on the body
The study of Shiatsu is a vast undertaking that takes many years, and very often the standard 3- or 4- years course is not enough. Many students, including myself, go on to a second and sometimes third school in order to complete their course. This approach is...
Why study the deep path of a meridian?
Most Shiatsu practitioners know their meridians to their fingertips. But is this really the case? How many know that each of 12 the meridians follow pathways that can run either on the surface or deeper? The study of their deep paths greatly improves our...