Book: The Spirit of Shiatsu

Ivan Bel is one of a new generation of Shiatsu practitioners who are working hard on many levels to bring this noble art to new heights of professionalism and public visibility. One of the many assets Ivan brings to this creative endeavour is his experience as a...

Terésa Hadland interview: Shiatsu at core

A leading Shiatsu teacher, Terésa Hadland has been criss-crossing Europe and even the world for over forty years, sometimes in the company of her partner Bill Palmer and sometimes on her own, to pass on their vision of 'Movement Shiatsu'.  Sparkling, full of...

Bone Is More Than a Curious Organ

In Shiatsu, we don't often talk about bones. And yet they are the foundations of our body, the solid, tangible base on which our muscles are articulated and our organs housed. What's more, the large bones also produce blood cells and are themselves irrigated at the...

Book review: “Another self” by Cindy Engel

Let's be honest: this book is not a Shiatsu book. Instead, the author, Dr Cindy Engel, is an original combination of biology researcher and manual therapist (shiatsu, Thai massage, fasciatherapy and also Qigong teacher) in England. She published articles in scientific...

The Hirata Zones and Shiatsu

While many Shiatsu practitioners like to use meridians and moxibustion to support their treatment, few are familiar with Dr Hirata's zones and Ontake method of using moxas with pieces of bamboo. We've already written about the life of Dr Hirata on this blog, a genius...
Neck and stiffness in Shiatsu

Neck and stiffness in Shiatsu

In Shiatsu, many people complain about neck pain and stiffness and it is a treatment that is studied quite early in the Shiatsushi curriculum. However, the reality is far more complex than what is usually taught in school, because the neck is very complex and the...

The “Source” points

The “Source” points

The "Source" points are usually the first family of points that students will learn by heart. Easy to locate, these points are a classic in basic Shiatsu treatments. But when studied, they reveal a fascinating depth that takes us farther than we might think at first...

The sense of timing in Shiatsu

The sense of timing in Shiatsu

Whether we are learning, feeling, studying or practicing Shiatsu, the notion of time is an indispensable factor that we cannot compress. This is true for all of the "Paths" (Do), whether they are therapeutic, artistic or martial. Asian philosophy teaches us that...

The Gui Points : ghosts to be fought?

The Gui Points : ghosts to be fought?

Long ago, Asians believed that disease was the result of evil spirits who entered the body to agitate it, disturb it and ultimately make it crazy or deeply ill. This way of thinking is the result of shamanism, the ancestral form of medicine in all parts of the world....

The Wind Points

The Wind Points

Amongst the different climatic factors that can attack the body, there is the Wind. Cold or hot, humid or dry, the wind  combines with other factors to aggress the body. Who has not experienced a cold, unpleasant spring or autumn wind that immediately tenses the...

Book: Ampuku – abdominal acupressure

Book: Ampuku – abdominal acupressure

The book Ampuku by Philippe Vandenabeele is a must have in his library. It will delight historians, those who seek to understand the original techniques of Shiatsu, lovers of ancient images and explorers of all kinds. But this book marks an important turning point for...

Treatment of hormonal migraine

Treatment of hormonal migraine

While the treatment of headaches and migraines (frontal, ocular, lateral, occipital andapex) is a great classic of therapeutic Shiatsu, the treatment of hormonal migraines for women remains little discussed and difficult to treat. However, it is one of the most...

Hua Tuo jia ji (continued) and the Bei Shu points.

Hua Tuo jia ji (continued) and the Bei Shu points.

We have seen in the previous article the origin of Hua Tuo jia ji, these treatment points which are widely used in Shiatsu. We are going to deepen our understanding of them, since, even if they do not have the same action as the ones located on the 1st chain of the...


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    The Spirit of Shiatsu
    The Spirit of Shiatsu
    By Ivan Bel