Ivan Bel

Treatment of hormonal migraine

Treatment of hormonal migraine

While the treatment of headaches and migraines (frontal, ocular, lateral, occipital andapex) is a great classic of therapeutic Shiatsu, the treatment of hormonal migraines for women remains little discussed and difficult to treat. However, it is one of the most...

Hua Tuo jia ji (continued) and the Bei Shu points.

Hua Tuo jia ji (continued) and the Bei Shu points.

We have seen in the previous article the origin of Hua Tuo jia ji, these treatment points which are widely used in Shiatsu. We are going to deepen our understanding of them, since, even if they do not have the same action as the ones located on the 1st chain of the...

Book: La figura de mio padre – Tokujiro Namikoshi

Book: La figura de mio padre – Tokujiro Namikoshi

What do we really know about the life of Tokujiro Namikoshi? Not much, really. There is no official biography and that's a pity. Everything that is said about him is mainly by word of mouth, but with all the possible and imaginable distortions. However, there is a way...

The Hua Tuo Jia Ji points

The Hua Tuo Jia Ji points

Do you know the Hua Tuo Jia Ji points? For a long time, the teachers I met were confusing these points with the first line of the Urinary Bladder. This confusion is often due to a poor knowledge of oriental medicine (Chinese or Japanese), but once this is known,...

The “cleft” points

The “cleft” points

During the study of Shiatsu, the Xi points (or Geki in Japanese) are among the great classics to be learned by heart. However, the deep meaning of these points often escapes the neophytes. The fault lies in the various translations that are given to this particularly...

Reflexions about Tenpeki Tamai’ Shiatsu

Reflexions about Tenpeki Tamai’ Shiatsu

Simplistically, we can divide the history of Shiatsu in a few chapters and name them in correlation with major historical events. Although we may find the ancient traces of Shiatsu in the incipient forms of Japanese bodywork, the first chapter in the history of...

Survey Results: Shiatsu and Cancer

Survey Results: Shiatsu and Cancer

Last year I launched a survey with the help of Fernando Cabo, on the perception of Shiatsu practitioners and schools of Shiatsu on a number of topics. We conducted the survey in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Even if the number of answers is not as...

Hard work, soft work and much more in Shiatsu

Hard work, soft work and much more in Shiatsu

When Do prevails over Jutsu I have been practicing martial arts for 33 years now and 20 years just for Shiatsu. For years I have been obsessed with studying and learning, which is still the case, but to a lesser extent. I have sought and am still seeking approaches...


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    The Spirit of Shiatsu
    The Spirit of Shiatsu
    By Ivan Bel